Research Projects

Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa), associate researcher of our research team, is the PI of the project iForal. Forais medievais portugueses: uma perspetiva histórica e linguística na era digital (FCT – PTDC/HAR-HIS/5065/2020).

The objective of the project is to build an electronic critical edition, in open access, of the oldest testimonies of the Portuguese royal charters, as well as a glossary, promoting research in the fields of history and linguistics. The overall perspective that it intends to offer will allow the revaluation of essential texts for the construction of the Portuguese territory and for the memory of many municipalities and their people.



MANUS Iuridica (or MOL Iuridica) was born from the collaboration between ICCU and the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin (agreement signed on 28 May 2020) in relation to the research project «The sources of law in Europe between the Middle Ages and the modern. For a corpus of texts of the Ius commune from manuscript to print (1350-1650)» directed by Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, member of the Scientific Committee of our research team, at the same Department as part of the “Rita Levi Montalcini” Young Researchers Programme. 

A scientific collaboration has already been established with Maria Alessandra Bilotta, head of the «IUS Illuminatum» project (University of Lisbon: dedicated to the miniature in the legal manuscript, in collaboration with which they develop the methods of analysis and description of the aspects of iconography and decoration. MANUS Iuridica intends to make use of the expertise of specialists in the field, such as codicologists, paleographers, legal historians, university historians.




Marta Mangini, associate researcher of our research team is the PI of the project LIMEN. Languages of notarial mediation  XII-XVI centuries – Seal of Excellence research project. Extraordinary Call for Interdepartmental Projects 2020 – University of Milan.

The LIMEN project intends to study the verbal (words, formulas, citations) and non-verbal languages (images, forms and material supports, numbers and accounting-accounting devices) adopted by notaries in carrying out the complex role of mediation between different people, cultures and instances , whose theoretical premises can be traced back to the Classical and Late Ancient Ages, but whose lines of development are understood only in a long-term perspective, reaching maturity in the Middle Ages.






Maria Alessandra Bilotta PI of IUS ILLUMINATUM is is one of the consultants of the research project STEMMA.Do canto à escrita – produção material e percursos da lírica galego-portuguesa(PTDC/LLT-EGL/30984/2017) coordinated by Graça Videira Lopes (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)






Maria Alessandra Bilotta PI of IUS ILLUMINATUM is a researcher who has collaborate on the Research project HISPANORD — De l’Espagne à l’Europe du Nord : les manuscrits français et flamands de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid) coordinated and directed by Anne-Marie Legaré (IRHiS, professeur Histoire de l’Art médiéval UdL) and Samuel Gras (docteur IRHiS, chargé de cours UdL), member of IUS ILLUMINATUM research team. 






Maria Alessandra Bilotta PI of IUS ILLUMINATUM is one of the researchers of the Research team in the Research project “Justicia y Juicio: representaciones artísticas en la Cataluña medieval y moderna. Emplazamientos, programas iconográficos, contextos y modelos” (PI: Rosa Alcoy, Member of the Scientific Committee of IUS ILLUMINATUM; code number of the project: HAR2017-85910-P; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad – Spain; Programa Nacional de Promoción General del Conocimiento – Historia y Arte [BHA]) From 01/01/2018 To: 31/12/2021.





Manuscrits juridiques du Midi un carrefour artistique entre le Midi, l’Italie et la Péninsule Ibérique [Espagne, Catalogne et Portugal] – 13e-14e siècle

This Cahier de Recherche “Manuscrits Juridiques du Midi: un carrefour artistique entre le Midi, l’Italie et la Péninsule Ibérique [Espagne, Catalogne et Portugal] – 13e-14e siècle” was created to share content, publications, news, events, and discoveries related to the academic study of the production of illuminated legal manuscripts in southern France in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is directly linked to the earlier post-doctoral research project of Dr. Maria Alessandra Bilotta, a researcher at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon. Her project on “Portuguese legal manuscript production and illumination in the 14th and 15th centuries and its connections with manuscript production and illumination in the French Midi (specially Toulouse, Avignon and Montpellier) and in the Mediterranean regions of Italy and Cataluña” was carried out at the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) of the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon and was funded by the FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH / BPD / 74298 / 2010).