Publications & PhD Thesis




Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Gianluca del Monaco (eds.), Imago, ius, religio. Religious Images in Illustrated Legal Manuscripts and Printed Books (9th-20th Centuries), Monographic Issue, in Eikón / Imago, 12/2023 –  e-ISSN 2254-8718 | ISSN-L 2254-8718 

The volume is the result of the collaboration between the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and Research Group CAPIRE of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and contains, in addition to the Introduction written by Maria Alessandra Bilotta and Gianluca del Monaco, the contributions of some members of our team: Helena Lagreou, Jorge Prádanos Fernández, Rosa Alcoy








Maria Alessandra BILOTTA,  Dal Sud della Francia al Portogallo: un inedito frammento biblico miniato dal Maestro della Legenda aurea Reg. lat. 534 (Portalegre, Arquivo da Sé, FDDPD, Mçs001), in Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 26 (2022), pp. 73-82









Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Addenda al corpus del Maestro del Decreto di Avignone (Avignone, BM, Ms. 659), attivo a Tolosa intorno alla metà del XIV secolo: il Liber Sextus Washington DC, Library of Congress, Ms. 28, in  INTRECCI d’arte, 11 (2022), pp. 33–52










Joan Aliaga Morell, Nuria Ramón Marqués (eds.), Rutas de mercado, rutas de arte: Materiales, procedimientos y artistas en la configuración pictórica en el Mediterráneo del siglo XV, Tirant lo Blanch 2022

The activity of painters and sculptors who worked during the Gothic and Renaissance centuries continues to arouse great interest among Western art scholars. One of the most suggestive approaches to understanding the gestation and diffusion of artistic production is to approach the phenomenon as a multifaceted and complex fact from the historical-artistic point of view. Knowledge of the materials and technical procedures used is also enriching, as well as the connections between the works and the workshops, which is reached by following the route of the merchants who transported the pigments, lacquers and dyes and looking for the trace of the itinerant artists who spread their knowledge in the ports of destination.
Seven authors, from different universities and research centers in Europe and the United States, specialists in medieval and modern art history, present in this book their latest contributions, exhibited at the conference “Rutas de mercado, rutas de arte: Jornadas Internacionales. Materiales, procedimientos y artistas en la configuración pictórica en el Mediterráneo del siglo XV“, which took place at the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia on November 17 and 18, 2021. Among the published contributions, the one by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, PI and coordinator of our research team, stands out on the following topic CIRCULACIONES ARTÍSTICAS EN LA OBRA DE LOS ILUMINADORES TOLOSANOS DE LA PRIMERA MITAD DEL SIGLO XIV: EL CASO DEL MAESTRO DEL MISAL DE AUGIER DE COGEUX (COGENX) Y SU TALLER



Michaela Schuller-Juckes, Evelin Theresia Kubina, Die illuminierten Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Graz. 1225-1300, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2022









Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, A proposito della circolazione di modelli tra scultura e miniatura, tra Catalogna e Linguadoca: alcune osservazioni sull’atelier del Pontificale di Arles (BnF, ms. lat. 9479), in Optimo magistro sodalium et amicorum munus: homenagem a Aires A. Nascimento pelo seu 80.º aniversário, Lisboa 2022, pp. 545-573








Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Note sul ciclo pittorico delle Storie di San Francesco nella omonima chiesa di Pienza e sull’episodio del Lupo di Gubbio: scelte iconografiche e strategie di narrazione, in Il Lupo di Gubbio. Origini, tradizione e ricezione di una storia francescana, ed. by A. LUONGO, A. MONTEFUSCO, Spoleto, CISAM, 2022








Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Ancora un apporto per la storia della miniatura tolosana del XIV secolo: una nuova attribuzione per le miniature del MS 45 (vol. 1) del Corpus Christi College di Cambridge , in De Medio Aevo, Vol. 11 Núm. 1 (2022), pp. 65-76










Jaime Moraleda Moraleda, La Carta de privilegio para la venta de las casas del comunero Hernando de Ávalos: el arte de la miniatura en los códices jurídicos españoles de principios del siglo XVI, in De Arte. Revista de Historia del Arte, 20 (2021), pp. 23-37 ISSN electrónico: 2444-0256









Jorge Jiménez López, Materializar un manuscrito iluminado en la Italia del Trecento. El Comentario a las Tragedias de Séneca de Nicholas Trevet (Salamanca, Biblioteca General Histórica, Ms. 2703), Salamanca 2021

Among the books of Archbishop Diego de Anaya y Maldonado (Salamanca, 1357-Cantillana, 1437), founder of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé, stands out the codex with the Commentary on the Tragedies of Seneca by Nicholas Trevet, today preserved in the Library Historical General of the University of Salamanca with the signature Ms. 2703. The manuscript, unknown to the scientific community, especially the international one, stands as an essential reference for literary, philological and artistic studies. It constitutes an early testimony of the circulation of the work in Castile and its extraordinary workmanship betrays the taste for refined Italian production, precisely by one of the most outstanding artists of the period: the miniaturist Stefano Masi dell’Aquila. His analysis allows Jorge Jiménez López to reconstruct the materialization process of this project: from the preliminary phases, with the design of the text and the illustrative repertoire, to the presentation of the exhibition to the promoter to formalize the commission or the distribution of the tasks of lighting in the workshops of Naples and Rome. The persistence of signs and changes on the initial project reveal the influence of the taste and resources of those who financed the execution of a book at that historical moment: the notable Neapolitan family of the Sanseverinos. In this sense, we are before a magnificent example of the way of working and the phases of elaboration of a medieval codex, in an equally unique context in the production of these artifacts: the Italy of the Trecento. The early arrival of the volume at the Salamanca Study reveals not only the interest of Diego de Anaya and his schoolboys in the work of Nicholas Trevet, but also proves new ways of artistic and intellectual exchange between both shores of the Mediterranean, forging networks between Avignon, Naples , Rome and Salamanca; some connections still to be explored and that suppose an essential substratum for the flourishing of Humanism in Castile.



Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (edited by), Medieval Europe in Motion 3. The Circulation of Jurists, Legal Manuscripts and Artistic, Cultural and Legal Practices in Medieval Europe (13th-15th centuries), Introduction by M.J. BRANCO; Conclusions by M. ASCHERI, Palermo, Officina di Studi Medievali, 2021

The knowledge of movement is of crucial importance in carrying out cultural and intellectual processes: it is not only a physical action but also a factor of communication and exchange which facilitates dialogue and interaction between different territories and cultures. The main objective of the essays in this volume is to analyse the phenomena of mobility and circulation of people, ideas and objects related to the study and practice of the Law, whether we are addressing the intellectual elites, the texts and manuscripts (illuminated or not), their artistic models, or the circulation of the Law itself, and to study ideas connected to the practice of Law and its role in the Medieval West in general. This volume focuses on the most Southern territories (Iberian Peninsula, Southern France and Italy) of the Medieval West, and the circulation of people and ideas and objects connected to the practice of Law during the 13th to15th centuries: such is the privileged sphere of the debate in this volume. This book aims at debating and analysing the ways in which the phenomena of mobility interacted with processes of codification and teaching of the Law, while they also influenced its visual representation in the manuscripts’ illuminations.
This publication is also a part of the research work conducted by the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team.

The volume counts with the participation of some members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team. In addition to Maria Alessandra Bilotta, in fact, are authors in the volume Andrea Improta, Gianluca del Monaco, Jorge Jiménez Lopez, Andrea Bartocci, Marta Mangini, Maria João Branco, Arkadiusz Adamczuk, Maria Teresa Chicote Pompanin, Ángel Fuentes Ortiz.




Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Serge DAUCHY (eds.),  Image et Droit. Les manuscrits juridiques enluminés, Dossier thématique, in Clio@Themis. Revue électronique d’Historie du Droit, 21/2021 – ISSN électronique 2105-0929

The volume is the result of the collaboration between the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire – UMR 8025 of the University of Lille and contains, in addition to the Introduction written by Maria Alessandra Bilotta and Serge Dauchy, the contributions of some members of our team: Gianluca del Monaco, Viviana Persi, Nuria Ramón, Jaime Moraleda Moraleda, Bertrand Cosnet and Sofia Orsino.







Samuel GRAS, Anne-Marie LEGARE (eds.), Lumières du Nord Les manuscrits enluminés français et flamands de la Bibliothèque nationale d’Espagne, Lille, 2021

Lumières du Nord is the culmination of an international research project on French and Flemish illuminated manuscripts from the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE). The book brings together twelve contributions signed by European and American specialists in the art of illumination who provide an in-depth analysis of unpublished or unknown manuscripts from the Madrid collection. These studies are mostly the result of lectures given during two study days organized in Lille and Madrid in 2018. The Biblioteca Nacional de España keeps the largest collection of manuscripts in the country, but this unique collection had not yet benefited from all the attention he deserved. The collaboration between the IRHiS laboratory and the Manuscripts department of the BNE has brought to light some of these treasures. The articles update information on the dating, attribution and conditions of creation of these manuscripts, and contribute to a better knowledge of the prestigious BNE collection.

Among the manuscripts studied, a precious legal manuscript stands out; this manuscripts is of south French origin and was studied by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, PI and coordinator of our research team.



Andrea IMPROTA, Cristiana PASQUALETTI (eds), “Abbondano di così fatte rarità”. Codici miniati dai conventi francescani d’Abruzzo, Roma, Campisano, 2021

The book presents a systematic study and the complete catalog of manuscripts from the Franciscan monasteries of Abruzzo, kept at the National Library of Naples. Among the manuscripts studied, an important group of legal manuscripts stands out, some of which so far unpublished are of French origin and were studied by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, PI and coordinator of our research team.







Stefan DRECHSLER, Illuminated Manuscript Production in Medieval Iceland: Literary and Artistic Activities of the Monastery at Helgafell in the Fourteenth CenturyBrepols 2021

This book examines a cultural revolution that took place in the Scandinavian artistic landscape during the medieval period. Within just one generation (c. 1340-1400), the Augustinian monastery of Helgafell became the most important centre of illuminated manuscript production in western Iceland. By conducting interdisciplinary research that combines methodologies and sources from the fields of Art History, Old Norse-Icelandic manuscript studies, codicology, and Scandinavian history, this book explores both the illuminated manuscripts produced at Helgafell and the cultural and historical setting of the manuscript production.

Equally, the book explores the broader European contexts of manuscript production at Helgafell, comparing the similar domestic artistic monuments and relevant historical evidence of Norwich and surrounding East Anglia in England, northern France, and the region between Bergen and Trondheim in western Norway. The book proposes that most of these workshops are related to ecclesiastical networks, as well as secular trade in the North Sea, which became an important economic factor to western Icelandic society in the fourteenth century. The book thereby contributes to a new and multidisciplinary area of research that studies not only one but several European cultures in relation to similar domestic artistic monuments and relevant historical evidence. It offers a detailed account of this cultural site in relation to its scribal and artistic connections with other ecclesiastical and secular scriptoria in the broader North Atlantic region.



Luces del norte. Manuscritos iluminados franceses y flamencos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, exhibition catalogue edited by Samuel GRAS under direction of Javier DOCAMPO CAPILLA, CEEH/BNE, Madrid 2021.










Michaela Schuller-Juckes, Encounters in Books. Superregional Collaboration in Illuminated Manuscripts Around 1300, in Europäische Bild- und Buchkultur im 13. Jahrhundert, pp.93-116










Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Notice nr. 90. Recueil de Summae juridiques de Bologne, in Trésors enluminés de Suisse. Manuscrits sacrés et profanes, sous la direction de M. Bernasconi Reusser, Ch. Flüeler, B. Roux, Milano 2020, pp. 352-353.









Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Notice nr. 88. Décret de Gratien avec glose ordinaire, in Trésors enluminés de Suisse. Manuscrits sacrés et profanes, sous la direction de M. Bernasconi Reusser, Ch. Flüeler, B. Roux, Milano 2020, pp. 348-349.









Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, I cibi e i banchetti nelle miniature dei manoscritti del Decreto di Graziano: espressioni in immagini di consuetudini giuridiche e sociali, in CUCINA, SOCIETÀ E POLITICA. Le arti e il cibo. Modalità ed esempi di un rapporto 3, a cura di Fabrizio Lollini e Massimo Montanari, Bologna 2020, pp. 223-248.









Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Les images avec valeur de droit : quelques réflexions sur la valeur de droit des illustrations des manuscrits de droit civiques au Moyen Âge (XIIIe-XVe siècles) – Abstract – Journée d’étude du programme SCRIPTA Afficher le droit au Moyen Âge (coord. Vincent DEBIAIS)






Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, Il gesto, il rito. Il Pontificale di Arles, in Alumina. Pagine miniate, 68 (gennaio, febbraio, marzo 2020), pp. 16-23









Gianluca DEL MONACO, Investigating the Origins of the Illustration of the Decretum Gratiani: Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque de l’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer, 454, in Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 24 (2020), pp. 32-43









Jaime Moraleda MoraledaPedro de Obregón y la miniatura toledana a mediados del siglo XVII, in ACCADERE. Revista de Historia del Arte, 0 (2020), pp. 55-69











Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, L’esemplare franco-meridionale del Catholicon di Giovanni Balbi, Vat. lat. 1472: una nuova ipotesi attributiva del suo apparato illustrativo, in MISCELLANEA BIBLIOTHECAE APOSTOLICAE VATICANAE, XXV (2019), pp. 7-32















Maria Alessandra BILOTTA, CODICI: A BUON DIRITTO. L’Inforziato dell’Escorial, in Alumina. Pagine miniate, 65 (April – May – June 2019), pp. 6-13

















Andrea IMPROTA, Intorno al Maestro del Liber celestium revelationum: nuovi codici e alcune riflessioni, in Paragone. Rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura fondata da Roberto Longhi, serie 3a, 148 (Novembre 2019), pp. 36-49









PhD Thesis


Michela Perrotta – Per la storia delle biblioteche rinascimentali nel Regno di Napoli: la raccolta di libri miniati di Antonello Petrucci (✞ 1487)PhD Human and Social Sciences – Supervisor: Teresa d’Urso;  Co-supervisor: PEZONE, external Co-supervisor: Elisabetta Caldelli – Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” – ongoing

Camilla MarangoniMiniatura e illustrazione libraria nelle edizioni del Quattrocento. Contributo allo studio di un linguaggio iconografico condiviso a partire da un’indagine sistematica sulle collezioni di TorinoNational PhD in Heritage Science Sapienza Università di Roma – Supervisor: Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni; Co-supervisor: Maria Alessandra Bilotta – Università di Torino – ongoing 

Viviana Persi – La transposition du langage juridique en langage figuratif dans le domaine de la justice, de la puissance publique et du droit dans les manuscrits juridiques enluminés du XIIIe-XVe siècles – Supervisor : Serge Dauchy – Centre d’Historie Judiciaire UMR 8025 – Université de Lille – ongoing 

Jorge Prádanos Fernández«A servicio de Dios y por comunal de todos hacemos este libro». Análisis y contexto de la iluminación de los manuscritos de las Siete Partidas dirigida por la doctora Laura Fernández Fernández – Universidad Complutense de Madrid – defended (30.05.2022)