Legal Digital Scriptorium Portugal

El Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial, T.I.6., f. 1v, The Scriptorium of Alfonso X, Libro de los Juegos (“Book of games”), commissioned by Alfonso X of Castile. (COPYRIGHT©PATRIMONIO NACIONAL)


This online image database of digitized legal manuscripts is edited by Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) within the research project “ManJurEurIt. Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes” (financed by Portuguese national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the execution of the program contract provided for in numbers 4, 5 and 6 of art. 23 of D.L. No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017, of 19 July). The project aims to make easily accessible to scholars in a single list the census of the digitization of legal manuscripts collections, dating back to the Middle Ages and the Humanistic period, preserved in Portuguese libraries.

Therefore, the legal manuscripts gathered in this database are preserved in Portuguese territory and have been digitized over the past few years by the institutions in which they are stored.

Many of the Alcobacenses and Iluminados legal manuscripts, preserved in the National Library of Portugal, were digitized on the occasion of the exhibition “The Circulation of Law in Medieval Europe. European Legal Manuscripts in Portuguese Libraries” (Lisbon, National Library of Portugal, Museum of the Book, 26 February – 31 May 2016), curated by Maria Alessandra Bilotta.

The list enumerates the manuscripts following their current place of conservation, therefore they are enumerated according to the institution and the collection to which they belong. The manuscripts reviewed in the database were not all produced in Portugal, some come from other European territories. The list is not complete but concerns only those manuscripts that have been digitized by the institutions to which they belong. The database will be progressively updated.

To view the manuscript, simply click on the book binding image of each one. 


Coimbra, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade 


Cofre 27

Foral de Castel Mendo




Ms. 721

Johannes de Imola, Commentaria super Decretales




Ms. 722

Domenico da San Gemignano, Lectura super sexto libro Decretalium




Ms. 723

Domenico da San Gemignano, Lectura super sexto libro Decretalium




Ms. 724 

Francesco Zabarella (de Zabarellis), Lectura super Clementinis




Ms. 725 

Johannes de ImolaLectura super Clementinis




Ms. 3155 

Corpus Iuris Civilis





Lisbon, Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo



Colegiada de Santa Iria de Santarém, Liv. 1 (bookbinding)

Alfonso X of Castile, known as the Wise, Primera Partida (fragment)




Feitos da Coroa, Núcleo Antigo 393

Foral de Coimbra 





Feitos da Coroa, Núcleo Antigo 398

Foros ou costumes da Guarda





Fragmentos, Cx. 20, n.º 4

Gloss of Decretals of Gregory IX





Fragmentos, Cx. 21, n.° 3

Alfonso X of Castile, known as the Wise, Quinta Partida (fragment: Title XI, law 16-18, 20-22, 30-36; Title XII, law 5-10, 15-20; FRAGMENTS OF A PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION OF THE FIFTH PARTIDA OF ALFONSO X of Castile)




Leis e ordenações, Núcleo Antigo 1

Livro de Leis e Posturas





Leis e ordenações, Núcleo Antigo 3

Alfonso X of Castile, known as the Wise, Tercera Partida 





Leis e ordenações, Núcleo Antigo 4

Afonso V King of Portugal, Ordenações afonsinas, Book I (ff. 1r-65v) and Book III (ff. 66r-222v)  





Leis e ordenações, Núcleo Antigo 5

Afonso V King of Portugal, Ordenações afonsinas, Book II





Leis e ordenações, Núcleo Antigo 6

Afonso V King of Portugal, Ordenações afonsinas, Book III





Ordem de Cister, Mosteiro de Lorvão, Antiga Colecção Especial, mç. 10, n.º 38

Tancred of Bologna, Ordo iudiciarius (fragment)





Ordem de São Jerónimo, Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Belém, liv. 81 (Casa Forte 146) 

Decretals of Gregory IX





Lisbon, National Archaeology Museum – Museu Nacional de Arqueologia



Cx.4/P.4/fr. 1

Texto jurídico com glossa marginal 





Lisbon, National Library of Portugal – Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal



Alc. 36  

Raymond of Penyafort, Summa de casibus poenitentiae ; Summa de matrimonio 




Alc. 41

Decretals of Gregory IX





Alc. 42

Giovanni d’Andrea, Casus abreviati super Decretales domini Gregorii Pape IX






Geoffrey of Trani, Summa super titulis decretalium





Alc. 144

Decreta et consultationes Alexandri papae tertii





Alc. 161

Alanus de Insulis, Liber poenitentialis 





Alc. 173 

Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215); Breviarium Extravagantium by Bernardus Papiensis with Apparatus by Tancred of Bologna




Alc. 197

Raymond of Penyafort, Summa de casibus poenitentiae; Summa de matrimonio




Alc. 201

Decretals of Gregory IX





Alc. 202

Tancred of Bologna, Ordo iudiciarius; Bartholomew of Brescia, Ordo judiciarius. Casibus in ordinario




Alc. 215

Boniface VIII, Liber Sextus Decretalium 





Alc. 216

Boniface VIII, Liber Sextus Decretalium; John XXII, Extravagantes; Clement V, Clementinae





Alc. 217

Boniface VIII, Liber Sextus Decretalium





Alc. 222

Ordenações de D. Afonso V (Book II) (ff. 8r-177 v)  – Colecção de Decretos Reais de D. Afonso II, D. Duarte e D. Afonso V (ff. 178r-187 v)  – Colecção de Decretos Reais de D. Pedro I, D. João I, D. Dinis, D. Duarte e D. Manuel I (ff. 188r-205v)



Alc. 234//1

Burchard of Worms, Decretorum Libri XX, V, 1-8 (f.131v. 2nd column – f.132v. 1st column); Peter Lombard, Commentarium in Epistolas Pauli ( (f.1r 1st column – f.131v. 2nd column)  




Alc. 267

Bartholomew of BresciaCasus decretorum 




Alc. 271

Raymond of Penyafort, Summa de casibus poenitentiae; Summa de matrimonio





Alc. 273

Giovanni d’Andrea (Johannes Andreæ), Apparatus super sextum librum decretalium 





Alc. 274

Boniface VIII, Liber Sextus Decretalium




Alc. 275

Magnum formularium juris canonici





Alc. 276

Martinus Polonus, Margarita Decreti Seu Tabula Martiniana





Alc. 365

Burchard of Worms, Decretum





Alc. 371-2 

Tancred of Bologna, Ordo iudiciarius (Part II); Johannes de Deo, Liber judicum (ff. 14r-21v)





Alc. 381

Preliminary pages containing a fragment of the First Partida of Alfonso X the Wise, King of León and Castile, in 15th century letter; Quinque compilationes antiquæ: Bernard of Pavia (Bernardus Papiensis), Compilatio prima antiqua (Breviarium extravagantium); Johannes Galensis, Decretales mediæ (Decretales intermediæ); Johannes Teutonicus, Compilatio IV; Peter of Benevento (Petrus Beneventanus), Compilatio tertia; Tancred of Bologna, Compilatio quinta.



Alc. 446

Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae (f. 3r-205 v.)





Alc. 463

Alfonso X of Castile, known as the Wise, Primeira Partida








Cod. 1681

Fuero General de Navarra (fragment)







Ill. 27

Raymond of Penyafort, Summa de casibus poenitentiae; Summa de matrimonio





Ill. 49

Decretals of Gregory IX; Innocent IVNovae constitutiones 





Ill. 62

Foral da vila de Alhos Vedros de 15 de Dezembro de 1514





Ill. 66

Petrus de Escalone [1376-1425], Statuta Sancta Curiae Lugdunensis





Ill. 73

Foral da Vila de Atouguia de 1 de Junho de 1510




Ill. 74

Foral das Vilas de Aveiras de Cima e de Vale Paraíso, de 13 de Setembro de 1513







Ill. 98

Cartulário da Sé de Coimbra dos séculos XII e XIII





Ill. 111

Fuero juzgo





Ill. 141

Foral da Vila de Paredes de Coura, de 13 de Abril de 1515






Ill. 142

Foral da Vila de Tarouca, de 27 de Fevereiro de 1514





Ill. 146

Foral da vila de Santa Marinha de 15 de Maio de 1514





Ill. 147

Foral de São João do Monte de 1514







Ill. 175

Foral dos lugares de Santa Cruz de Coimbra no termo de Montemor-o-Velho, de 23 de Agosto de 1514






Ill. 178

Foral de Vila do Conde de 1516







Ill. 179

Foral da vila de Ansião de 1514





Ill. 181

Foral da vila de Quiaios de 1514





Ill. 182

Foral da vila de Condeixa-a-Velha – Lisboa, 3 de Junho de 1514





Ill. 185

Codex legum visigothorum





Ill. 221

Foral da Vila de Sangalhos de 20 de Agosto de 1514






MSS. 258, n. 69

Decretum Gratiani (fragment)





MSS. 262, n. 15

Alfonso X of Castile, known as the Wise, Segunda Partida (fragment)